One thing I have learned as a special education teacher is that everyone has different abilities and needs. We need to modify our instruction to accommodate the abilities of everyone. So I invite you to customize your own workshop! You pick the group size, the location, the participants, the duration, and the theme. If you need assistance with putting a customized session, I am here to help. Please review the themes below to get started. Give it a try!
Theme selection will vary based on who is in the group.
Gratitude, Self Transformation, Self Love, Non-Violent Communication, Compassion, Work/Life Balance, Resilience, Emotional Regulation, Impact of Media, Dealing with Trauma, Creative Expression, Collaboration, Embracing our Authentic Self, Body Image, Shame, Calming the mind, Social Justice, Vulnerability
Self Discovery, Compassion, Empathy, Kindness, Creative Expression, Being an Upstander, Joy, Inspiration, Emotional Regulation, Embracing Imagination, Accepting Change, Social Justice, Social skills, Managing Anxiety, Calming the body, Making Friends, Being an Advocate, Self Love
Self Discovery, Social Justice, Body Image, Compassion, Effective Communication, Self Acceptance and Love, Sexual Orientation, Being an Upstander, Community Connection, Shame, Joy, Inspiration, Creative Expression, Embracing our Authentic Self, Emotional Regulation, Peer Pressure, Puberty, Relationship Building, Dating, Self Advocacy, Inner Strength, Self Awareness, Calming the Mind, Anxiety, Responding to Bullying
Sensory Regulation, Executive Functioning Skills, Social Skills, Embracing our Strengths, Self Advocacy, Self Acceptance and Love, Relationship Building Skills, Job Readiness, Strategies to Focus, Emotional Regulation, Life Skills, Anger Management, Self Awareness
Tell us about your group and we’ll help you build your customized workshop.